Sunday, November 1, 2009

Title: Pendragon Adventures

Book 6: The Rivers of Zadaa

Author: D.J. Machale

Rating: 4.5

Why I read this book: I wanted to find out what happened next in the series.

Review: Bobby Pendragon follows Saint Dane to Zadaa, the desert territory of the Traveller Loor. When he last left the jungle territory of Eelong, Gunny, the Traveller from First Earth, and Spader, the Traveller from the water territory of Cloral, were traped there and the territory's Traveller, Kasha, was killed by a falling stone from the flume. At the same time, he goes to Zadaa with the body of Kasha and sees Loor at the flume. Loor then brings him to a tournament which she will take part in. When he hears the announcer say that the winning team is the one that severs two heads, Bobby panicks and thinks that the two teams were going after after the opponents team heads. Fortunately, the announcer meant that they had to cut off the heads of a two-headed zhou beast that looks like a cat. Loor's team looses due to Loor's alcolyte, Saangi, breaking the rules by helping them. But soon after the contest, Loor brings Bobby outside and are ambushed by the enemy tribe.

One of the more ancient books in the series, this book brings Bobby on a jouney of self-discovery and what it might mean to be a Traveller.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Title: Pendragon Adventures

Book 5: Black Water

Rating: 4.5/5

Why I bought this book: I wanted to find out what happened in the next book

Review: Booby Pendragon travels to the jungles of Eelong in the 5th installment of the series. Bobby travels to the jungles of Eelong where the entire place is a rainforest. When Bobby sees it, he thinks 'paradise'. but apperances can be deciving as Bobby finds out there. The moment he gets out of the flume, he is almost immediatly attacked by a mutant dinosaur which he later finds out is called a Tang. He escapes from it by crawling into a tunnel and sees some people. Bobby tries to be friendly with them but are Quigs! About to be eaten by the Quigs, the Quigs are suddenly attacked by a large jungle cat which can talk! Bobby decides to follow the cat and discovers that Eelong is the worst possible territory for him.
One of the more interesting books in the series. Although this is the only time in the series when Bobby visits a territory which is not inhabited by humans, it is a really exciting book and you just one to keep on fliping the pages to find out what happens next.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Title: Pendragon Adventures

Book 4 :The Reality Bug

Author: D.J. Machale

Rating: 4/5

Review: Bobby Pendragon blasts off to a new territory in the fourth installment of this series. This time, he and Gunny, the Traveler from First Earth, goes to the territory of Veelox. After being led to First Earth by a false lead from Saint Dane, Boby is more ready then ever to face Saint Dane again. But the moment he steps onto Veelox, he comesface-to-face with Saint Dane. They are about to challenge him when suddenly, they are surrounded by a whole group of Saint Danes! Gunny launches himself at one only to find out it is a hologram. Saint Dane then activates the flume and, out of desperation, Bobby jumpes at one of the Saint Danes to catch the right one. But Saint Dane says somthing to spook Bobby so bad, Bobby lets go and Saint Dane escapes. Gunny decides to travel after Saint Dane and Bobby is left alone to explore the territory of Veelox. Luckily, the Traveler from Veelox, Aja Killan, is there and helps him to get out of the flume and Bobbyis greeted with the first sight of Veelox. One of the more sci-fi books of the series as there is alot of impossible technology but there are alot of links to the Earth territories as well.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pendragon Adventures Book 3: The Never War

Title: Pendragon Adventures

Book 3: The Never War

Author: D.J. Machale


Review: Bobby Pendragon has just left the territory of Cloral and heads towards a new territory caled Veelox. Now that his mentor and uncle, Press Tilton, is dead, he is going to have to figure out this entire Traveler buisness by himself. He leaves for Veeloxwith his good friend and Traverler buddy, Vo Spader, and gets a big surprise. The momment he sets foot on Velox, he cannot see a thing as the hidden flume entrance on Velox is completely deviod of light. Suddenly, A giant 3-D holographic image a larger than life girl's head appears, and starts asking them questions. She claims that she is the traveller from Veelox and that her name is Aja Killan. After boasting to Bobby and Spader about how she has the Flume monitered 24/7, she shows them a video of Saint Dane, Bobby's enemy, staying in Veelox for a second then vanishing into the Flume of to First Earth. Puzzled, Bobby and Spader leave for the past of our planet.......

Good read and it teaches us a bit about the history of the Hindenburge.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Pendragon book 2: The Lost City of Faar

Title:Pendragon Adventures

Book 2: The Lost City Of Faar



Review:Bobby Pendragon has won his first territory on Denduron. He and his Uncle Press has flumed across the universe to a peaceful planet known as Cloral. The major difference? Cloral is underwater just like its name decribes. This is Uncle Press favourite territory. The Clorans are super sophisicated and can make anything out of water. They have these weird air globes which are completely round but when you put them on your head, it immediatly moulds to your head and allows you to breath and talk underwater. For the first and last time, Uncle Press does not know why territory is in danger. they get out of the flume only to be attacked by a quig. And on this teritory, quigs are giant monster sharks. They escaped with the help of mysterious guy........

Meanwhile on Second Earth, Mark Dimond and Courtney Chetwnde get busted for reading Bobby's latest journal in the boys toilet. In their rush to get out, Mark accidentally leaves the first page of Bobby's latest journal behind. Mark returns early the next day to retrieve the page and does not find it. Suddenly, he hears someone reading aloud the first few words of the missing journal page. He looks up and sees Andy Mitchell, the school bully from hell who loves to torture Mark, holding the missing page. Mark gets the page back but his ring immediatly activates. Andy sees it and the next journal delivery and demandes to see the rest of the journals. Mark cannot do that as he will be breaking his promise to Bobby but if his does not, Andy will pound him so much he will.....Sorry, i cannot tell anymore secrets about the book. Go and get it to read it but read book 1: The Merchant of Death to fully understand the story.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pendragon adventures book 1: The merchant of death

Title: Pendragon Adventures

Book 1: The Merchant of Death

Author: D.J. Machale

Rating: 5/5

Review:Bobby Pendragon is an ordinary 14-year-old boy who lives in Stony Brook, Connecttieut. The story starts of with Booby leaving for his country semi-finals basketball game. He opens the door and comes face to face with a girl he had a crush on since fourth grade. Courtney Chetwynde. They start talking and eventually kiss. Out of the blue, his uncle, Press Tilton, interupts them and sends Courtney off. he then brings Bobby on his mortercycle to an abonndened New York subway staton and gets into a fight with an evil shapeshifter called Saint Dane. Bobby runs off, following Uncle Press instructions and goes into a door built into the wall with a star on it. Behind the door is a long rock tunnel with no end. Yelling 'Denduron', he suddenly gets pulled into the tunnel which morphs in a crystal one. Meanwhile, Bobby's best friend, Mark Dimond, has problems of his own. Late last night, he recieved a mysterious ring from a lady who appears in his room. He wakes up the next morning and finds the ring is still there. he goes to school and is immediatly assulted by students demending to know where Bobby is. His ring immediatly starts to move and he dashes to a bathroom while other students run to their classses. In the bathroom, the ring starts to grow and deposits a jounal by Bobby. A story that is slow in the beginning but becomes fast-paced and furious that leaves readers begging to know what happenes in the next book

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Time Wreccas (Book 1)

Author: Val Tyler
Time taken: 2.5 Hours
Rating: 4/5

A very interesting book about magic people that we cannot see and their underground enemies whom with they do not often fight with.The underground people are the Wreccas and the above ground people are called the Guardians. The Guardians are the keepers of time. The story starts with the king of the Wreccas, Old Killjoy, sitting on a pile of rags that he thinks is his throne and picking his nose. As you progress through the book you learn that the Wreccas are a bunch of lazy, ignorant pigs who do nothing except eat, sleep, scavenge for food and terrorize the ones who are of a lower position or status.It is an incredibly good book and i have yet to find out how many there are in the series.

Artemis Fowl (Book 1)

Author: Eion (pronounced 'Owen') Colfer
Time taken: 2.5 Hours
Rating: 4.5/5

A very interesting book about a 12 year old boy who will do anything to restore his family fortune. He lives in his manor with his butler, Butler, Butler's sister, Juliet, and his half-insane mother. His plan to restore his family fortune may destroy the entire world though. He first seeks out something known as the Book which is a sort of fairy bible. His plan is based on the many spectulations of the fairy people found on the Net. He finds one of the Book and his devious plan is put into action.