Title: Pendragon Adventures
Book 5: Black Water
Rating: 4.5/5
Why I bought this book: I wanted to find out what happened in the next book
Review: Booby Pendragon travels to the jungles of Eelong in the 5th installment of the series. Bobby travels to the jungles of Eelong where the entire place is a rainforest. When Bobby sees it, he thinks 'paradise'. but apperances can be deciving as Bobby finds out there. The moment he gets out of the flume, he is almost immediatly attacked by a mutant dinosaur which he later finds out is called a Tang. He escapes from it by crawling into a tunnel and sees some people. Bobby tries to be friendly with them but are Quigs! About to be eaten by the Quigs, the Quigs are suddenly attacked by a large jungle cat which can talk! Bobby decides to follow the cat and discovers that Eelong is the worst possible territory for him.
One of the more interesting books in the series. Although this is the only time in the series when Bobby visits a territory which is not inhabited by humans, it is a really exciting book and you just one to keep on fliping the pages to find out what happens next.
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